The seal sanctuary and research station in Norden-Norddeich informs you about the flora and fauna found in the Wadden Sea national park in a fun and captivating way. Here you can see at close quarters how the small seal pups with the big wide eyes are nursed back to health and prepared for their release into the wild. Daily highlights are the public feedings at 11am and 3pm, when visitors can observe the seals above and below the surface of the water.
The seal sanctuary is fully wheelchair-accessible and offers special events and guided tours for people with cognitive impairments.
The seal sanctuary and research station in Norden-Norddeich
Seehundstation Nationalpark-Haus
Dörper Weg 2
426506 Norden
Telefon: 0 49 31 / 97 33 30
Email: info[AT]seehundstation-norddeich[DOT]de