MS Brombachsee mit Kirschblüte
Franconian Lakes

Lake cruises

The discovery cruise on Lake Brombach runs daily from April to October and lasts for 90 minutes. There is also a range of exciting special events. The three-hulled ship has a ramp built into the bow, while the glass-fronted panorama lift offers easy access to all decks.

Price: €12,00 for adults, €6,00 for children (ages 5-16)

©Andreas Hub

Anlegestelle Ramsberg am Großen Brombachsee

©Jens Wegener

Bootsfahrt mit der MS Altmühlsee

  • Wheelchair user
  • Walking handicapped person
  • Learning-disabled
  • Family with little Children
  • Elderly people
  • Allergic person

Erlebnisschifffahrt Brombachsee Lux-Werft und Schifffahrt GmbH
Am Anger 10
91785 Pleinfeld

Telefon: 0 9144 / 92 705 0
Telefax: 0 9144 / 92 705 19

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